XRY Mobile Forensic Tool

Access Data’s Forensic Tool Kit(FTK)

Computer Forensics

Audio Video Equipment’s

Recovery Software

Mobile Multispectral Forensic Tablet

The world’s first Evidence Friendly Mobile Blood, GSR and Body Fluid Detection System. This high-tech integrated mobile device detects Invisible potential blood spots, gunshot residues, body fluids such as semen, saliva and urine on dark or complex surfaces. This device is excellent for document examination.

Mobile Multispectral Fingerprint Detection Set

CSI Pro Smartphone

Patrol Smartphone

PATROL is ForenScope’s Mobile Multispectral Technology integrated device utilized for fast and efficient evidence searching. In the Bag: Patrol Smartphone Case Management App Darkroom Photoscale Cap Type-C Cable & Adaptor Wrist Lanyard User Guide

Forensic Laboratory Systems

Designed for crime scene investigation evidence searching